Yesterday evening was a "good time". When Michael got home we worked in the yard together and talked, the dogs were out with us.."sun shining, birds singing, flowers in bloom" kind of evening.
I grilled dinner while he watched the dogs swim (our little patio area is by the pool), so we were able to talk and make some weekend work plans.
Just one of those delightful evenings supper, doing yard work, bathing a maggot covered dog.
Henry found half a rabbit in the field and rolled his brown and white self in it.
No finer perfume for our canines.
Michael and I gagged and cracked up while bathing him. Our idyllic evening HAD to include maggots, or it wouldn't have been US.
Three shampoos later and Henry was back to his handsome self.
Until today:

I laughed long and hard as he dug his mud pit...totally worth the cleanup.
I got some video of him digging and snorkeling in mud...will upload it later.
**Gag**....{{shudder}}...blech. My eyebrow muscles are spasming from the reaction to this post.
That sounds completely disgusting.. lol
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