Busy friggin' day.
We took Henry to his holistic appointment...left him for xrays...ran home and took my moms dog for shots...took him home...ran to get Henry...took Henry home...ran to the store...stopped in drug store for aunt J...
I decided to make a few chilled dishes to eat over the next few days. Heat index of 97 tomorrow, and today was only 67. BIG freaking switch.
Made pasta salad and baked some cookies for Michael's lunches, made a shrimp salad-y thing, and some more broc salad (we are living on the stuff).
It has rained for 3 days, so the humidity is 95% or so...lovely.
Michael and I worked outside for 2 hours:
Moved another slew of gladiolus...about 75 plants.
Moved Scentimental rose
Moved the bush delphinium
Moved the Russian sage
Planted a bunch of sunflower seedlings, marigold seedlings, zinnia and calendula seedlings....
Transplanted my poor tomatoes from the Pots Of Death into the ground
Planted a few Goblin gaillardias
Hauled more plants down from Grams' house and planted them (11 daylilies, 2 Japanese peonies and 15 scabiosas)
We are a new and exciting kind of filthy. I had mud smeared on my eyelid.
Michael had some mud in his teeth.
I adore this man..he could probably come home with a dead hooker in the trunk and I wouldn't get mad...
That's my guy snuggling our dog Henry...nothing more studly than that, right? :)
Sooo...chicken news...
I picked the coop plans. Now, to find the perfect spot and get buildin'. My uncle will be giving us 3 hens. That will leave 3 for me to track down.
On that note, I'm going to bed.
One more pic ...from my front porch looking west! Kinda the same view as the pic of Michael and Henry.
What beautiful views...breathtaking! The dead hooker comment had me laughing. Sounds like a book I read somewhat recently.
What the hell are you reading, girlfriend?! hehe!
We are totally and completely lucky on the views out every window..completely blessed with "pretty view!". Just need to build a house that compliments the views :c|
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