Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer blues

I've been having a craptastical few days...little bits of this and that...all just piled up. There are some pretty amazingly great things happening, too..don't get me wrong!

I am totally and completely blessed with good friends. Kindness, support, laughter, sisterhood..all those cheesy Hallmark sentiments have been my emotional saving grace of late.
I very much appreciate you, Friends. Bitterly sarcastic and witty, sweet and sunshiny..all of you make a HUGE difference. *kisskisskisskisskiss*

Just a quick check in for this entry, and thanks for getting in touch to see where I've been :)


Unknown said...

(((((((())))))))) back atcha!! I'm always here if ya need to vent! :)

~B. said...

Sorry you've had some crappy happenings. Here's hoping for brighter days ahead.