We're under severe storm watch again...and I swear...if the "damaging hail" hits..and ruins the garden *foams at mouth*.
I JUST got every single thing planted and mulched. Give me at least ONE damned vegetable before damaging the garden!
This is WV. We are not known for this insane weather. What the hell happened?!
Tornado watches, microbursts, a week of 95 degree temps in June? APOCALYPSE!
My sunburn feels a ton better! I did deplete Earth of its aloe supply. Whoops. Sorry!
Pardon me while I plug some favorite stuff:
This is Heaven In A Bottle, folks! I have yet to find better sunburn relief (aside from vodka)

I keep one of these in my purse, one in the console in the car, and one by the back door in the pool stuff. My nosie burns fast, damn it.

If you don't mind smelling like this

After the Great Sunburn Even of 2005, when I couldn't wear a shirt for 2 days or a bra for 5...I'm an Ocean Potion Madame, whoring their products across the land. They have a spray block I'm pretty fond of, but still heart my Banana Boat Sport spray sunblock.
I'm definitely going to be looking for some Ocean Potion in creamsicle smell. ;) Good luck with the weather...eek...here's hoping for no plant damage!
I ordered some Ocean Potion. Can't wait to give it a try. :)
Oh...and I forgot to mention...geez louise...I'm talking about you on my blog. :D ;)
BAHAHAHA! Well, I have a drafted blog entitled "Quizzes For The Angry People: Sam and Brenda" wherein NONE of the answer options are pretty posies or cute bugs LMAO
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