Instead of my easy dinner last night, I made pizzas. Grilled pizza is one of my favorite foods..which isn't saying one hell of a lot.
Michael's pizza was ultra meaty and cheesy and sauced to death. Not my thing
at all.
My pizza had shrimp, shrooms, olives (black and feta stuffed green), artichoke hearts and a mix of cheeses (Havarti, fresh mozzarella..I had a round of Babybel so that got slapped on there, too).

I make my own sauce..I like it with a little bit of bite. Not traditional pizza, I'm sure. Oh, and I tossed some ground rosemary in my crust. I had a lukewarm reaction to it, so probably won't bother again.
The result was a stringy, olivey mess that had me closing my eyes in ecstasy with each bite.

I made little pizzas for us both. Maybe not *little* by definition, but little considering I usually feel I'm cooking for a family of 11. I don't do small batches of anything. It's a problem.
I left the pizzas on the kitchen table while we had supper.
No, we don't eat at the table. Our meals are eaten where the mood strikes. All part of my *meals should indulge all the senses* way of life.
The Very @#$%^ Bad Dog part.
I'm sitting on the couch, making out with my supper, and I hear an odd
dry, slithery sound. In a house of 4 dogs and 3 cats...meh..weird noises abound.
I went back to my book
(The Egg and I) and my food. I then hear the weird, snorty breathing of a Llewellin setter with something big clamped in his mouth.
Oh yeah.
You know where this is headed.
Voodoo had my remaining pizza (the dry slither was the crust sliding off the cooling rack)'s fabulous lunch..and was bringing it to me to "trade for something good".
Now. Here's where it gets hard. Do I freak out and strangle the dog...or...stick with what I've trained and get him
something good (bitch, that pizza IS good. What the hell am I supposed to trade up with!? Kobe beef?!).
Michael, the love of my life, made a fatal mistake.
He said, "Well, that will teach us to not leave food out."
Absolutely true, BabyDarlin', but SO NOT THE TIME.
I found something to trade up with. The slice in Michael's hand. teehee!
The moral of the story:
Dogs will be the scavengers they are. Even if you've spent countless hours training. Voo saw an Opportunity and ran with it.
Even more important:
Don't piss off She Who Just Threw Her Fabulous Leftovers In The Trash.