Michael and I picked blackberries and peaches today. Voodoo helped. We learned that Llewellin setters (at least ours) have no problem standing on their hind legs and carefully picking berries. Always the perfectly ripe berries.
Michael and I are standing in the brambles, swatting bugs and sweating, while Voo grabs the best ones.
Michael picking, Henry eating:
Picking peaches and blackberries resulted in pie:
I want it made clear, my pie crust was golden brown. The flash bleached my crust. Don't question me.
I would kill for some pie weights. Ya know, in case any of you are shopping for me.
Or, I could get off my butt and buy some.
I have a wish list 39 feet long at several baking sites.
For balance, I also have "new tattoo" ideas bookmarked.
I have a pic of Michael mowing down a slice, but he threatened physical harm if I posted. He's not a good sport.
Love that shot of Voodoo...tooooo funny!
I love your pie pan...see, I have this funny feeling that everything tastes better out of the blue glass. After viewing your pie, I have to believe that it's true. :)
I completely agree!
And, anything mixed in a funky, cool stoneware bowl.
Orrr..baked in cool vintage bake-ware.
Yes, I have a problem with retro/vintage cooking stuff.
Dried beans make a good substitute for pie-weights too. Their edibility afterwards however, is questionable. Keep a jar around just for that task, and problem solved.
You, computer nerd.
Me, baking nerd.
We both buy stuff we don't need :D
God bless consumers!
I just ordered two sets of weights. One cobalt and one red.
I can see myself explaining the Need of this to Michael.
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