Beware the rant!
I am..totally astounded.
A friend of mine is very upset because I won't be home tomorrow when she wanted to drop in.
Pardon me for having a doctors appointment.
I think a large chunk of Humankind didn't get the "It Isn't All About YOU" memo.
The text msg I received said, "Well great. We never see each other, and that's the only day I have free!" She goes on to say that she's having a hard time right now, with the new house they are building and all, so I should try a little harder.
Mmm hmmmm.
I'm sure things are very stressful for debate there.
But, at some point, things are stressful for everyone..and it's all relative to your own situation...
Does that mean we should all cater to everyone, all the time?
No one is catering to our every whim, my dears.
And if they are, WE need smacked around for allowing it! ;)
No, really..we do...all winkie faces aside.
NO one deserves that, no matter how tough their life has been.
Treating someone with extra kindness and tenderness is one thing..that's what we deserve from our fellow humans.
Expecting someone to arrange their life around your big ol' grown-up self?
Part of Dear Friends problem is..she's been spoiled and coddled and appeased her whole life.
I've known her for years..since childhood..
If she didn't get her way, she acted like a Raging Bitch. Her family, then most friends and lovers, would quickly change things just to shut her up.
"No" and "do it your damned self" are/were just NOT in her vocabulary.
Weird, what we realize about people we've known forever!
Annnnnd that's the end of my giant rant.
Bless you if you managed to read the whole damned thing!
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2 years ago
Oh dear...I shall name her Kootie Pie in my mind from here on out. Do you know...the one from Mario bros? :D Totally fits.
I find that selective stupidity can be an astonishingly effective Human Training aid. Suddenly becoming extremely boring, absent-minded, and insensitive on cue takes no effort beyond keeping the tongue firmly bit, and can produce startling results.
Of course, sometimes it's just a startling tantrum, but at least the pretense of sweetly reasonable victimhood has been disposed of...
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