Got his gifts, and I'm making the bruschetta he wanted.
Spent a lot of time outside in the garden/yard today. My haul included blackberries, peaches, banana and bell peppers, Roma tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and yellow squash.
I finally feel like the back-breaking labor of planting this stuff was worth it!
Our soil leaves a lot to be desired...things like..oh..dirt. I think we have shale and clay with a fine sprinkling of dust. I'm sure we had the garden center all confused when I insisted (loudly) that I needed, must have, cannot live without 150 pounds of organic, dried manure.
I REALLY confused my uncle when I called and asked if I could have some really fresh horse manure (manure tea). Stinky, but it works wonders.
Hey....I have 4 dogs and 3 cats. I'm not afraid of a little herbivore dung.
Michael is impatiently waiting for just a few more tomatoes..the man loves my salsa.
Smoked sea salt..I'm telling you, People. I also skip the cilantro and throw in whatever herbs are taking over the herb bed.
Had the camera while I was pillaging. I do a bastardized Cottage Garden. Flowers by the ton, with veggies stuck in here and there.
On that note, I'm taking my 800mg of ibuprofen and heading to bed. Damned wisdom teeth, anyway!
Beautiful shots!!! Are you going to share your salsa recipe? And can you help a beginner with what to do with all the extra tomatoes that I'm projecting to have?
Ask, and ye shall receive. Recipes, that is.
I'll post another blog with my salsa recipes. Fitting them in the comments is a pain!
Oh...a million things for tomatoes! I'm trying to decide what I'm gonna do, so I'll share ideas as I go :)
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