There are... 32 feet in this house. 16 dog feet, 12 cat feet and 4 human feet. Finding tough, reasonably priced flooring is my holy grail. Easy to clean is, without a doubt, a biggie for me. It's not just the dogs tracking in mud...
Post-hike, in my car. I think most of the mud came out of the tread. I think. If not, I'll blame the dogs.
I live in rural northern WV with 4 dogs, 3 cats and my husband. We've got a few lovely acres in the country. I enjoy it, but I also appreciate the fact Pittsburgh is only 40 minutes away.
Yeah, I often joke about the value of having a painted cement floor. . .seems SO easy to clean. :)
That's a lot of feet. **A lot.** Cement is the new hardwood. Colored cement even. Really. I mean it. Let's start a trend. :)
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