Starting another cycle of cluster-blogging. Things are very busy here (growing season), I'm spending my time swimming with the dogs.
And..I'm just damned lazy about blogging.
My fierce guard dog, Irie the Akita, is finishing her Shy Dog class today. Yes, Shy Dog. She's very gentle and sweet with everyone once she is allowed space to get to know them. The people who scream "Akitas are SO MEAN!"..HAHAHA!
People aggression is not a breed norm, but they are in fact a guard breed. They aren't supposed to fawn over strangers, dumb ass.
If you're "one of those people", ask yourself this:
Why does a
guard breed feel the need to dislike me?
What kind of energy are YOU putting out, hmmm?
we're finishing up shy dog class, and looking around for other classes that are micromanaged. Hard to find here in WV.
I've got a few photo posts coming up- the new raised beds, some fun shots of the dogs, etc.