Thursday, April 23, 2009

"You eat my cookies.....

..and I'll eat your SOUL"

That is one CREEPY ass cookie jar!

But, all soul-eating clowns aside.. I love that site.
I love vintage kitchen goodies.


I especially love kitchen utensils in 50's green. Not 70's avocado, mind you.
Avocado green kitchen stuff is more frightening than soul-eating clowns.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Very, very nice day here in the Chaos Household.

We did a ton of yard work, hauled some lumber across the property (why in hell do we live where there are so many hills?!?)

I baked a lime angel food cake with raspberry sauce. BLISS!
I'll get photos of that tomorrow (need better light). Look at the mess! I managed to get flour on Henry's head.


This is Irie's Halti. She doesn't pull, but it gives me a little more direction and control when she's having a fearful moment. People, for reasons I don't get, think it's a muzzle. She also looks moderately scary (according to others)...soooo...we Cuted it. Now people say how adorable she looks, and they don't pull a U turn when they see her coming.



We took Voo and Irie for a long drive...LOVELY weather.

Easter ducks! Easter Beaver!







Voo says, "If there is a God, they will let me out of this car."

No luck, Bucko.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's That Time of the year...

I've got gardening on the brain.
I got my very first gardening sunburn of the of COURSE there is snow in the forecast. 1-3 inches, and 15 degree windchill. Woo.

I'm going with square foot gardening this go-round. I'm damned tired of fighting through clay and shale...bring on the fabulous rock-and-clay free soil of a raised bed!
(I will miss the Shovel get a true picture of your balance when you sink a shovel into the ground a few inches, hop on with both feet and immediately hit rock. It takes speed and agility not to fall on your ass. Over and over. I do not heart northern WV soil.)

The Planting List:
Squash- Sunburst, Golden Dawn, Richgreen and Magda
Peas- Sugar Sprint and Frosty
Cauliflower- Early Dawn and Veronica
Beans- Valentino and
Beets- Bull's Blood (the young tops are REALLY good in salad)
Eggplant- Fairy Tale
Corn (wont be in raised bed)-Luscious and Polka
Broccoli- Coronado Crown
Potatoes- No idea! I'll get there.

I know I forgot a few things......

I considered planting carrots and bell peppers, but I can get huge bags of really nice organic peppers/carrots at freakin' Costco for $3. It just didn't justify the space/expense of planting my own.

Square foot gardening is supposedly more cost/effort efficient. We'll see. As it stands, I need roughly 76 12in squares. Holy soil, Batman. Michael will be SO THRILLED with our next few weekends. *snort*


And squash shall overcome Earth.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday's photos

"I like to feel the wind up my nose."







tidbit from Saturday night...

I'm in the shower, long day swirling down the drain. I'm talking myself down from taste-testing the vanilla buttercream body wash (it can't smell that good and taste bad, right?).

Michael pops his head in the door and asks, "Hey honey, how do I get room temperature goat cheese out of Voodoo's tail feathering?".

Sometimes I question my life choices.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hey, moron...

You're concerned Obama is going to take away your guns...
so you
shoot police officers?!
Oh..well hell, not JUST the Obama thing. You also lost your job. You must be the first person ever.

My heart goes out to those families, and the city of Pittsburgh...
I'm too shocked and astounded to add anything to this.

Friday, April 3, 2009

One of "those" recipes..

that strike fear into the heart of a Foodie.

The words "Sweet and tangy tilapia with fresh veggies covered in mozzarella cheese!" scare the hell out of me.
For the same reasoning I love horror flicks, I decided to read the recipe.
It also contains poultry seasoning.
Another of my Worst Nightmares.
-(I like the ingredients of poultry seasoning well enough, it's the obscene amounts of that are slathered on any chicken or turkey by fauxcooks...that's what sends me screaming)

Pile the vegetables in a baking dish, toss on the marinated fish, slather with cheese and bake!
Bake it ON the vegetables, so that weird white cooked fish juice stuff slimes them up.
Nothing like a stringy, cheesy mess on top of all that, hey?

If this is your recipe...or if this is one of your families favorites.. I am sorry for pointing and laughing.

We all have our recipes that make other people cringe and shudder.