Well, their
eyes say..
or maybe I need meds...anyhoo
Doing some obedience-for-fun stuff with the The Crew today. It started out just working with Irie, but everyone had to come along (like JLo..I have an entourage).
I realized...yet again...my dogs think I'm an ass.

Henry was sleeping peacefully on the chair. I called him to me and asked him to sit, then down. As his *reward* I scratched his chest and shoulders (his "hoooyeah" spots). My cheerful "All done, Henry!" was met with a blank look.
"What the hell was that about?"
"It's basic obedience. It's good for our relationship. Trust me, Henry."
you? Didn't you once glue your ass to the floor with tile cement? Wake me when you've prepared dinner."

Voodoo is..ah..enthusiastic. About everything. He's almost 2 1/2, and is just now starting to mature.
"Voo, sit!"
"YAY SIT! I LOVE SIT! This one time? Outside? I SAT! It was
It's hard to get frustrated in the face of so much joy..yet, somehow, I manage.

Strider is Michael's dog..his canine BFF.
He's wonderful and loving with me, but he's
Michael's boy. They eat chips and watch football and MMA.
No.. really.
"Strider, sit!"
"Sure!" *sits* "What time is He coming back?" *wagging*
"Same time as always..Strider, down!"
"Sure!" *downs* "He's been gone a LONG time. I hate weekdays. He is just.....*sigh*. I mean I love YOU, but..He's just amaaaazing."
It figures the easy dog isn't Mine!

Irie is a little over 12 weeks..a total doll.
Right now, she's a bimbo. A complete party-girl. BUT, she did bark fiercely at Intruders last night. Granted, the intruder was a yearling doe in the yard..but still.
She's a bad ass bimbo.
"Irie, down!"
totally know Down! Down is super
fun! I ..like..
heart training! Let's find someone to PLAY! Playing is
sooo funnn! If they won't play, I will like..
totally..kick their butts!
Oh dear God. My dog is Pamela Anderson as Barb Wire.
When someone lovingly croons to their dog, "Oh Sparkie, I wish you could tell me what you were thinking"..it gives me chills.
The stuff of nightmares, I say.